Mammoth Morning Report for July 11th, 2022
July 11th, 2022 @ 7 AM Good morning it’s a beautiful day up here in the Eastern Sierra. Looks like a great week to get out and enjoy some Summer time fun.
At this time everything is 100% open and the weather and air quality are in great shape.
The window cast this morning has clear skies from Mammoth Mountain down to Bishop. Up at the 11,053-foot level, the temperature is 54 with an NE wind at 27 gusting to 33 MPH.
At the resort level (8900 Feet) the temperature is 62 with light winds. Down in Mammoth Lakes, there is a temperature of 70.
If you’re going to be out in the Mountain Bike Park or at the Resort Levels the next couple of days, expect highs in the mid to upper 70s with lows into the upper 50s by the early morning hours.
NE winds will shift back to the SW later today and you can expect winds in the 10-20 MPH range during the PM hours this week.
For the full weather forecast, the 10-day outlook, and the seasonal outlooks use this link.
*Please Note: Fire Restrictions are up now until the first snows come in the Fall. No Campfires or BBQs (even with a permit) outside of hosted campgrounds. You can still use a propane stove outside of the developed campgrounds.If you’re in the area and happen to see smoke please call 911 and report it without hesitation. There have already been 2 close calls right near Mammoth Lakes that got put out due to spotters seeing smoke early on.
Sponsor Plug: Check out the Black Tie Summer Adventure Rental Service – Use Code msnowBTAR22 for a 10% Discount – Here is the link.
Video Player: Make sure to pick the 4k setting or the video will look like crap. Working on more videos so stay tuned in…

What to Do in Mammoth Lakes and around the Eastern Sierra
If you like Summertime adventures it’s prime time to come up to Mammoth Lakes and the Eastern Sierra.
The Mammoth Mountain Bike Park is now open to the Top with Off the Top and Skid Marks open. Most of the mid-mountain trails are also open, just a few more and 100% of the terrain will be up and running. Outside of the park Mammoth Rock Trail and Mountain View are great for a morning ride right now.
Hiking has been just awesome with mostly clear skies and not much of that Summertime haze yet. The wildflowers are peaking right now and the bugs have started to back off a bit.
Still my favorite hikes this Summer are the trail out of Mesquite flats at the top of Rock Creek Canyon. There are tons of short, mid, and long-range hikes in this area it’s just amazing. Get there early parking gets tight before 9 AM.
In the Mammoth Lakes Basin, a hike up to Arrowhead Lake combined with a swim is perfect during this hot month of July. Another favorite is Sky Meadows with all its wildflowers still going.
The fishing season has been going strong for the experienced Fisher Person. As I always say here find a good guide and don’t waste your time with no hookups.
If you’re planning on coming up over the next couple of months it would be advisable to have reservations in place for camping, hotels, and or a condo before you travel to the area.
Just about all area campgrounds are now open and full, to check for a campsite before you come to the area use this link and make a reservation.
There is a lot to do at this time of the year, check out our full What To Do and What’s Open Report at this link.