History of Mammoth Mountain Opening and Closing Dates

October Skiing in the Noids - 10/22/04 - Snowman Photo Ebben
October Skiing in the Noids – 10/22/04 Photo by Dave O Dave

One of the main stats I have always loved to examine is the opening and closing dates at Mammoth Mountain over the years.

Below is a list of the open and closing dates we currently have. 

Enjoy the information and I look forward to meeting you out on the slopes of Mammoth Mountain one day soon. 

Steve Taylor – the Mammoth Snowman

Season Date Open Date Closed
1968/69 11/03/68 07/01/69
1969/70 10/15/69 07/01/70
1970/71 10/13/70 06/27/71
1971/72 10/30/71 05/01/72
1972/73 11/08/72 06/30/73
1973/74 10/28/73 06/29/74
1974/75 10/28/74 07/06/75
1975/76 10/11/75 05/30/76
1976/77 12/22/76 05/30/77
1977/78 11/07/77 07/04/78
1978/79 11/18/78 06/24/79
1979/80 11/05/79 07/06/80
1980/81 11/13/80 06/11/81
1981/82 10/30/81 07/05/82
1982/83 10/31/82 07/28/83
1983/84 11/12/83 06/12/84
1984/85 11/09/84 05/27/85
1985/86 11/11/85 07/06/86
1986/87 12/11/86 05/10/87
1987/88 11/06/87 05/30/88
1988/89 11/17/88 05/29/89
1989/90 10/27/89 05/22/90
1990/91 11/28/90 05/27/91
1991/92 10/28/91 05/25/92
1992/93 10/31/92 07/05/93
1993/94 11/06/93 05/30/94
1994/95 10/08/95 08/13/95
1995/96 11/04/95 07/07/96
1996/97 11/08/96 06/01/97
1997/98 11/07/97 07/05/98
1998/99 11/06/98 06/13/99
1999/00 11/01/99 06/18/00
2000/01 10/31/00 05/30/01
2001/02 11/08/01 06/02/02
2002/03 11/07/02 06/15/03
2003/04 11/06/03 06/01/04
2004/05 10/21/04 07/04/05
2005/06 11/10/05 07/04/06
2006/07 11/09/06 05/31/07
2007/08 11/08/07 05/31/08
2008/09  11/03/08 06/14/09
2009/10 **Opened 10/16 for 3 days
 11/08/09 07/05/10
2010/11  11/11/10  07/04/11
2011/12  11/10/11  05/28/12
2012/13  11/08/12  06/01/13
2013/14  11/07/13  05/26/14
2014/15  11/13/14  05/25/15
2015/16 11/09/2019 05/24/2020
2016/17 11/10/2016 08/06/2017
2017/18 11/09/2017 06/17/2018
2018/19 11/10/2018 07/28/2019
2019/20 11/09/2019 03/14/2019*CV
2020/21 11/13/2020 05/31/2021
2021/22 10/29/2021 06/05/2022
2022/23 11/05/2022 08/06/2023
2023/24 11/10/2023 05/27/2024
2024/25 ? ?