Mammoth Mountain Snow Report from the Snowman 4-16-21

Mammoth Mountain Snow Report: Closing day for winter sports out of the Main Lodge has been set for Memorial Day, with Canyon and Eagle Lodges closing on Sunday, April 18th. 

Out on the hill, it has significantly cooled off the last couple of days and that has firmed the snowpack up. Not expecting much of a thaw today, but by Thursday the snow should start to get soft again with some sweet corn snow expected Friday into next Sunday. 

If you’re coming up this weekend I would spend your early mornings over on chair 9 as the snow will get soft in that area first. Gold Hill has been great as have been the groomers lower down on 9 and off of 25. 

The Faces of 3 and 5 have been nice with soft spring snow along with some bumps forming in West Bowl and on the Face of 5. 

Up top it’s been more firm than soft over the last 5 days, Sunday was the best with a good melt. I would expect by Friday / Saturday to see it get real soft again with some nice spring turns again later in the morning hours. 

**Have you purchased your Ikon Pass Yet? If you’re getting a new one they will be good starting NOW, here is the link to get your pass. **

Ski ya later, Snowman

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