Mammoth Mountain & Eastern Sierra Weather Forecast
Mammoth Mountain & Eastern Sierra Recreational Weather Forecast
10-24-21 11:39 AM Storm Update
Here are the estimated snowfall numbers that might be expected by Monday afternoon. Canyon Lodge 10-16 inches, Main Lodge 14-22, MC Coy Station 20-30, Summit 11,000 feet 36-48+. We will see how it all pans out in about 30 hours from now.
Here is the current satellite view of the Western States. Mammoth Mountain is pointed out for you.
Radar shows the rain and snow have moved into the high country with snow levels around 9500 feet. The main AR band is still well to the north of Mammoth Mountain at this time.
Here was this morning’s 48-hour HRRR Model showing 6-9+ inches of water coming right up the funnel towards Mammoth Mountain.
We go from a nice deep low back over to high-pressure ridging by mid-week.
Mammoth Mountain and Eastern Sierra Weather Posts
Mammoth Mountain Weather Forecast and Discusion
Mammoth Mountain Weather Forecast and Discusion
Mammoth Mountain Weather Forecast & Discusion
Mammoth Mountain Weather Forecast & Discusion
Mammoth Mountain Weather Forecast & Discusion
Mammoth Mountain Weather Forecast & Discussion
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Mammoth Mountain Weather Forecast & Discussion
Mammoth Mountain Photos from October 29th to November 13th
Mammoth Mountain Weather Forecast & Discussion
Mammoth Mountain Weather Forecast & Discussion
Mammoth Mountain Weather Forecast & Discussion
Mammoth Mountain Weather Forecast & Discusion
Mammoth Mountain Weather Forecast & Discusion
Mammmoth Mountain Weather Forecast & Discussion
Mammmoth Mountain Weather Forecast & Discussion
Who Are We?
Steve Taylor – Mammoth Snowman – Over the last 30+ years, Snowman has spent countless hours studying and learning about Mammoth Mountain Weather and Snow Conditions first hand. He has been skiing around the hill with marked ski poles since March of 1991 so he can measure the fresh snowfall amounts out on the hill.
Snowman started blogging this information back in 1990 on the old Mammoth BBS system, then the RSN Forums and then on to in 2004 with Video & Photo Blog report. (No YouTube back then). Facebook got added to the fold back in 2008 and then the Facebook Group in 2016.
Reports, videos, and photos from the website have been featured on both local TV Stations here in Mammoth, along with AP, Fox, ABC, CBS, and NBC News.
Ted Schlaepfer – Mammoth WeatherGuy – The Powder Forecast – Posted Tuesday and Fridays at 5 PM November into Mid May. These forecasts are now responsible for many people getting multiple powder days on Mammoth Mountain over the years.
Ted’s Bio: Ted has been a full-time Meteorologist (CCM) for the past 25+ years. He has always been fascinated with the weather,” skiing was just a natural extension of my love for snow and rain. I started skiing at age 5, first discovered Mammoth in 1979 as a youth, and have been a regular visitor since the late ’80s.”.
Here is the link to The WeatherGuys Powder Forecast Page.
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